Subject is exactly
Commercial Buildings -- Idaho -- Twin Falls
Twin Falls Railroad Station; men and boys standing in front of the building -
Twin Falls Milling and Elevator Co.; large grain elevator and attached buildings; sign reads "wholesale flour and grain -
"Flowers Made From Sterling Butter;" cabinet display inside Sterling Creamery Twin Falls Idaho -
A drug store display window advertising Kotex; cardboard figures and boxes fill the window; signs read, "These mammoth sanitary factories are now required to supply the demand for Kotex;" "You may dine, dance, or motor for hours in the sheerest of frocks without a second's doubt or fear;" "Just say Kotex 'ready wrapped;'" -
"Elevator at Twin Falls. Capacity 200,000 Bushels;" three tower elevator -
Retail building in Twin Falls, Idaho. Two men, one with a bicycle, stand at its corner on Main Avenue South and Hansen Street. -
Twin Falls Fruit Growers' Association and Twin Falls Potato Growers Association Warehouse; wagons with teams of horses waiting to unload; boxes fill the area in front of the building; 1914 denotes building's establishment -
"The Beginning of the Seed Industry in Southern Idaho. First Warehouse;" men, wagons, automobiles, and teams of horses stand outside warehouse; other outbuildings on background -
"First Seed Warehouse. Twin Falls;" Interior of a large room with support pillars; men standing at the far end with piles of bags. -
"Hotel Perrine. Twin Falls, Idaho;" corner view of the hotel on Main Avenue and Shoshone Street; people on sidewalks and cars and horse-drawn vehicles in street. Also visible: Bert Sowle; Perrine Hotel Cigar Store; Abstracts, Farm and City Loans; Rexall Drug Store (Skeels-Wiley Drug); Grocery; 5 and 10 Store. Large sign on corner states: Carnation Club Dance at Dreamland Hall. Every Tuesday and Friday Evening, Friedman's Piece Orchestra. Everybody Welcome -
"Interior of Sterling Dairy and Produce Company;" four men standing near machinery and tanks. -
"Sterling Dairy and Produce Company;" two-story brick building, with milk cans on a loading dock. -
"Interior of Lincoln Produce and Refrigerating Company;" interior of building showing machinery, chairs, and other miscellany. -
A view of the Lincoln Produce and Refrigerating Company building, with a train engine and two wagons nearby. Men on the porch and on the front of the train. -
"Bank and Trust;" The interior of the Twin Falls Bank & Trust, showing teller's windows. Building located on the corner of Main Avenue and Shoshone Street